Located in the Town of James Island, the need for intersection improvements along Fort Johnson Road (S-94) at Secessionville Road (S-387) has been identified. The primary goal of this project is to increase safety for all modes of transportation while improving traffic flow. Charleston County, the City of Charleston, the Town of James Island, and the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) have made improving this intersections a priority because of the 40 accidents that have occurred over a 5-year period.
The County has studied various improvement alternatives and their associated impacts to the natural and built environment within the study area. These studies include evaluating various types of improvements, including the installation of traffic signals and a roundabout.
The County plans to combine this project with the Ft. Johnson and Camp Road Intersection Improvement Project to advertise for construction- anticipate to advertise 2nd Quarter 2025.
The project team received 324 comments during a 60-day public comment period.
The below chart displays the percentage of comments in favor of
50 comments concerned that the installation of a traffic signal will result in traffic back-ups or that drivers will have to wait at a red light when there is no opposing traffic.
A traffic analysis indicates that the recommended alternative, a traffic signal, will perform better than a roundabout in the afternoon peak hours. Construction of the traffic signal will include the installation of detection loops. These loops will detect when a vehicle is waiting at the signal, and will communicate to the traffic signal the need to change.
12 comments regarding sidewalk or bike/pedestrian concerns.
Construction will include keeping existing sidewalks in place and adding proposed sidewalks where there is not property owner opposition. The project team can only add sidewalks within the project area. In addition to sidewalks, the improvements will include crosswalks and pedestrian signals.
12 comments requesting a timeline for the project.
The project team anticipates construction beginning in the 1st quarter of 2021. While staff believes construction should take a year to complete, they will have to coordinate with the Charleston Water Systems to relocate a major water main.
12 comments questioning the design of the roundabout.
The roundabout design is skewed from the current center of the intersection and includes the additional left lane east of the circle in an effort to reduce property impacts. The angle of the intersection limits the ability to design a true roundabout.