Located in the Town of James Island, the need for intersection improvements along
Fort Johnson Road (S-94) at Camp Road (S-28) has been identified. The primary goal of
this project is to increase safety for all modes of transportation while improving
traffic flow. Charleston County, the City of Charleston, the Town of James Island, and
the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) have made improving this
intersections a priority because of the 38 accidents that have occurred over a 5-year period.
The County has studied various improvement alternatives and their associated impacts to
the natural and built environment within the study area. These studies include evaluating
various types of improvements, including the installation of traffic signals and a roundabout.
The project team has also taken special consideration of the stone posts at the
Camp Road intersection. Although the stone posts do not meet the criteria to
be placed on the National Register of Historic Places, the County recognizes their
significance to the community. Staff is investigating options to relocate them.
The project is currently in the right of way phase. Dominion utility relocation is underway. The County anticipates to advertise the project for construction in 2nd Quarter 2025.