Voters approve Charleston County’s Transportation Sales Tax bond referendum. Charleston County Council appropriates $7.7 million to Maybank Highway improvements.
Charleston County holds a public meeting to introduce the Maybank Highway Improvements Project.
The City of Charleston approves its John’s Island Community Plan. The plan calls for an alternative to the Maybank Highway Improvements Project, known as the “Town & Country Plan.”
The City of Charleston requests that Charleston County proceed with an evaluation of the “Town & Country” alternative design. The improvement project is put on hold pending the evaluation.
Charleston County and the City of Charleston request the services of the S. C. Urban Land Institute (ULI) to provide an unbiased opinion on the way forward to address Maybank Highway traffic concerns.
Charleston County elects to move forward with the “Town & Country” alternative based on ULI recommendations and stakeholder input. The alternative design calls for both a “Northern” and “Southern Pitchfork” connecting Maybank Highway with River Road.
Charleston County enters into an agreement with the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT) to serve as the Local Public Agency (LPA). This arrangement is required when federal funds are requested for transportation projects.
Preliminary design work and an environmental study is conducted for the “Town & Country” design alternative.
Multiple meetings are conducted with the FHWA, SCDOT, the Charleston Area Transportation Study (CHATS), and the County and City of Charleston regarding design standards and environmental compliance.
The FHWA officially leaves the LPA interagency agreement. The remaining parties agree to move the project forward with the phased approach due to decreased funding, dependent upon a limited impact to trees.
The “Town & Country” alternative, due to environmental impacts of the proposed “Southern Pitchfork,” does not meet FHWA design standards. Total funding drops to $15 million from $30 million.
Phase I of improvements are completed. This phase includes the installation of 4’ wide shoulders and a resurfacing of Maybank Highway from River to Main Road.
Phase II begins. This phase includes the extension of the right turn lane on Maybank Highway approaching River Road, as well as bike and pedestrian improvements.
After four years of permitting, Phase III begins. Phase III features the installation of a connecting road from Maybank Highway at Fenwick Hall to River Road; the “Northern Pitchfork.”