Info Public Information Meeting is now live and comments will be accept until September 2, 2022.
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Bonded projects consist of large scale regional transportation improvements that require the borrowing of sales tax funds up front. These bonds allowed Project Managers to accomplish the many phases of a project prior to the actual collection of necessary funds: including design, right-of-way acquisition, utilities coordination, and construction. This practice allows the county to begin projects at the earliest opportunity and work within today’s dollars. All bonded projects receive funding from the Transportation Sales Tax (TST). Some projects may receive additional funding from the Charleston Area Transportation Study (CHATS) and/or Federal Guideshares. The majority of the projects of regional significance completed through the 2004 sales tax referendum included bonded funds.

Annual Allocations

Historically, County Council has allocated $9 million for the Half-Cent Sales Tax Annual Allocation Program. The program began in 2005 and runs for twenty-five (25) years – until 2030. The breakdown of allocation funds is:

The 2016 Half-Cent Sales Tax Annual Allocation Program will begin in 2031. Funding is anticipated to continue at $9 million per year. This program will remain until 2042.

Allocation project requests come from municipalities within Charleston County, the South Carolina Department of Transportation (SCDOT), Charleston County Parks and Recreation Committee (CCPRC), Charleston County Aviation Authority, Charleston County Public Works Department, Berkeley-Charleston-Dorchester Council of Governments (BCDCOG), and the Charleston County School District. Staff conducts a cost/benefit analysis of the requested projects and then make a recommendation of funding to County Council. All TST Annual Allocation Projects must be approved by Council.

"C" Funds

Every gallon of gasoline purchased within the State of South Carolina is taxed 16.75 cents. Counties within the state receive 2.66 cents per gallon of all the gasoline sold, and this money is distributed to each county as the “C” fund. Each year, the County Transportation Committee (CTC) for Charleston County receives requests from municipalities and organizations, and decides which requested improvement projects receive “C” funding.

In 2016, the State of South Carolina Legislature voted to raise the gas tax to 28.75 cents per gallon. This change will take place in 2-cent increments beginning in 2017. The amount of money allocated to the “C” Fund will also increase to 3.99 cents/gallon sold, which will also take place in .3325 cent increments beginning in the fiscal year 2018 and end in 2021.

Click here for more information regarding the CTC and the funding process.

If you have any transportation infrastructure concerns or project ideas, please contact theTransportation Program. Our department will ensure that your project ideas are sent to the corresponding location jurisdiction. Please note that all requested projects must have a maintenance source outside of the TST or CTC funding.